نحن نحب الإباحية

Helen Duval

اسماء مستعارة: Bernadette Heesink-Friebel, Helena Duval

بلد: Netherlands

ولد: September 19, 1965

عين: Hazel

شعر: Blonde

ارتفاع: 165 cm

وزن: 54 kg

الثدي: Fake

المشاهدات: 1

نجوم البورنو Helen Duval أشرطة الفيديو الإباحية

1 أشرطة فيديو
She entered the sex industry as a column writer for the Dutch erotic magazine Tuk. Subsequently, Duval started her acting career in 1993 after meeting German director/producer Hans Moser. Her first appearance in the United States was in 1994's Private Video Magazine 7. Since then, she has appeared in several adult movies and she became Holland's biggest pornstar. In addition to acting, Duval is also an adult movie producer.

الفئات الشائعة

القنوات الرائجة

تتجه نجوم البورنو
